Penang, Penang… Old or new, it is still the best place to live on earth.
I went online and met an old friend from high school, now studying and working in Japan. He’s been there for almost 7 years. Although he’s got a job in a reputable company over there, he told me that he will leave Japan and come back to Penang in 2 years time.
I guess no matter how good the lifestyle or salary other countries can offer, Penangites tend to come back to their hometown after living/working outside for sometime. I personally don’t think there will be a shortage of talents here, as there is always an opportunity for growth and development. Not to mention the food, heritage, beautiful beaches and hills, all under one roof (island).
Hmmm… I wonder why I’m still stuck in KL traffic jam right now…
澳洲空軍(RAAF)駐紮在北海的空軍基地. Australian Air Force Base in Butterworth 60 s – 70 s
北海的空軍基地. Butterworth Australian Air Force Base 60s– 70s
澳洲戰機在檳城上空. Australian aircraft on Penang air
澳洲空軍家眷 Australian Military Family in Penang 60 s –70 s
首都戲院前的補鞋匠 cobbler in front of capital cinema
Penang Road 大巴剎 Penang Road Big Market
Penang Road 的女店員 Penang Road Sales Girls
早期Penang Road 的Cold Storage 洋行是澳洲大兵的最愛 , Cold Storage in early Penang at Penang Road.
70年代繁忙的土庫街Beach St. 70th busy Beach Street.
70年代的Penang Rd. 70th Penang Road
遠眺喬治市 GeorgeTown
70年代的Penang Rd 夜景 70th Penang Road night scene ![](//
Pulau Tikus 1970s
升旗山山腳1970s Penang Hill
北海RAAF空軍基地看檳島 View of Penang Island from ButterWorth RAAF Air Force base
1960年代三輪車 1960s Trishaw
檳城喬治市1970年代的街景 70s GeorgeTown Penang
Yes ~ I also wondering why i am stuck in KL traffic jams... Is time back to PENANG!
ReplyDeleteI miss penang so much! After read ur post,i think i did make the right decision. Hope to see u in Penang ya~